You cannot comprehend the actual paragraphs in single rotation of Earth

1-Midday to midday is a 24 hour rotation. 2-Sundown to sundown is a 24 hour rotation. 3-Midnight to midnight is a 24 hour rotation. 4-Sunup to sunup is a 24 hour rotation.

Supports Lie Of Integration.

All humans are created and exist between the opposites of male and female values. Add the opposites together and humans cease to exist. A single God is death and constitutes evil worship. I am flabbergasted that the "big brother" hired pedants can brainwash and indoctrinate the powerful antipode human mind to ignore the simple math of 4 simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of Earth, to worship one and trash three. EVIL OBSCURANTISM (Deliberately withholding CUBIC KNOWLEDGE) No human "entity" exists. Cube is opposite perfection. Singularity is death worship.

relocated? Your opposite eyes were moved to 1 corner to overlay for single perspective, but that corrupts your Opposite Brain.

Did you see the movie Matrix? Actually the induced night "dream world" is synonymous with the academic religious induced daytime "word world" enslavement of humans. Word has no inherent value, as it was invented as a counterfeit and fictitious value to represent natural values in commerce. Unfortunately, human values have declined to fictitious word values. Unknowingly, you are living in a "Word World", as in a fictitious life in a counterfeit nation - which you could consider Matrix induced "Dream World". Can you distinguish the academic induced "Word World" from the natural "Real World"? Beware of the change when your brain is free from induced"Word World" enslavement - for you could find that the natural "Real World" has been destroyed.

by potch