You cannot comprehend the actual paragraphs in single rotation of Earth

perspective (opposite eyes overlay) Cyclops

Man Is Paired, 2 Half 4 Self.

Till You KNOW 4 Simultaneous Days Rotate In Same 24 Hours Of Earth You Don't Deserve To Live On Earth

Ignore Cubic Math at your own peril, and of humanity.

You have opposite brains to think opposite, but Big Brother icepick academic lobotomy has destroyed your mentality to think opposite of the evil singularity you are taught. The 4 days is above your godism and you don't even want to know. Universe is composed of opposite hemispheres and opposite sexes - equating to + / -, a zero existence, depicted by Pyramid's bare coffer. Your 1Day God Makes You Evil. 4 Corner Days Are Absolute, but ignored by stupid/evil educators. Until cornered, word is fictitious. God is product of fictitious word. 4Day Cube Disproves 1Day God All creation within the universe is composed of opposite hemispheres and opposite sexes - with opposite races, opposite seasons, opposite luck, opposite directions and opposite perspectives - equating a harmonic rotating zero value existence. "To know all, is to know nothing". You must attack the word bastards who preach and teach evil godism and racism singularity lies, for any singularity brotherhood is mental slavery that desecrates family, village and tribal opposites. Americans are dumbass, educated stupid and evil singularity fools. I will wager $10,000.00 that within the Cubic embodiment of Nature, there are 4 simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation

by potch