You cannot comprehend the actual paragraphs in single rotation of Earth

Religious Academia taught ONEism -upon

Dr. Gene Ray, Cubic and Wise Above God. Cubic Nature is Omnific, Infinite, Ineffable and on Harmonic duty today.

Earth Has 4 Days In Same 24 Hrs., 1 Day God Was Wrong.

God claimed to have created a single day rotation of Earth. I have created simultaneous 4 day rotation of Earth. Why do you worship such a stupid God? Do you really believe that your Jew God screwed a hole in the ground to create Adam and Eve out of dirt, at the same time that woman existed in the nation of NOD, Nation of Damsels from where Cain got wife? Adam and Eve were created at the same time, but sexless. A rib was removed from eve and a hole left to make a woman of her. The rib was stuck on Adam to make a man of him - and Eve is still trying to get her rib back.

simultaneous days in single rotation of Earth, as 1 day 1 God ONEism blocks the ability to think opposite of the ONEism crap taught. Education destroys brain.

by potch