You cannot comprehend the actual paragraphs in single rotation of Earth

Till You KNOW 4 Simultaneous Days Rotate In Same 24 Hours Of Earth You Don't Deserve To Live On Earth

Academic free speech is a damn lie. Try to discuss & debate Nature's Time Cube and your evil teachers will not allow you. Ignorance of Time Cube dooms humans, inflicting their own created "word hell". Educators are actually "evil word gods", teaching commercial plunder of Nature. The damn bastards suppress free speech, by denying Time Cube debate discussion. Students MUST DEMAND free speech - for the greatest of all human discoveries: Nature's Harmonic Simultaneous 4 Day Rotating Creation Principle of Cubicism. Educated stupid, you can't know Truth. Read physics of Santa Claus . Explain the physics of a god. Belief has no inherent value, but worship of such nonvalue as a god, equates to nonacceptance of Cubic knowledge - as demonstrated by ineffable Truth and the Highest Order of Wisdom. I can talk with a human for hours about the Time Cube and they will agree with every claim I make. But at the end of the conversation, they remark that they believe in the nonvalue belief god and cannot accept Cubic Creation, regardless of all the ineffable Truth and Wisdom it proves. A Belief Matrix pulls a 1 day world over your eyes, while the real Cubic World has 4 simultaneous days in 1 Earth rotation. Educators own your mind and fills it with garbage, that will soon destroy humanity. >

Navel Connects 4 Corner 4s.

limits as body controls activity. You are taught Evil, You act Evil, You are the Evil on Earth. Only your comprehending the Divinity of Cubic Creation will your soul be saved from your created hell on Earth - induced by your ignoring the existing 4 corner harmonic simultaneous 4 Days rotating in a single cycle of the Earth sphere. Religious/ Academic Pedants cannot allow 4 Days that contradict 1Day 1God. Educators destroy your brain, but you don't know, so why care?

Till You KNOW 4 Simultaneous Days Rotate In Same 24 Hours Of Earth You Don't Deserve To Live On Earth

by potch